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let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:28 pm
by Newbie

Q: what is this
A: This is a game we play sometimes where we work together to make a beautiful digital mosaic of many-colored tiles.

Q: how does it work?
A: People who want to play sign up in this thread. Next week, I send links to each participant where that player's, uh, canvas file can be downloaded. That canvas has a bunch of dummy tiles filled in, as well as a small number of fixed tiles and eight placeholder tiles, as well as a bunch of space for additional tiles. Players have a week to modify (or replace) the placeholders, add more tiles if they wish, and otherwise prepare their segment of the mosaic for appreciation by the community. Once everyone's done, I will stitch these segments into our final master map: The Four Corners of the Brontoverse (actual title TBD). The community will then be able to explore the resulting mosaic landscape at their leisure.

Q: Wait, ONE WEEK? Isn't that kind of short?
A: It's not a hard deadline! We're all busy adults with many important things to do. (I work 64 hours a week, for example.) "One week" is just an arbitrary period to establish a scope and a timeframe, and hopefully curtail the sort of grand ambition that's derailed me in the past. That's why we're starting with placeholders. You can decorate what's already there with various shades of angry red, you can scoop out the middle and just, uh, glue the first tile directly to the last one, or you can wipe the slate clean and embellish to your heart's content. It's up to you how much you want to try to do, and if you wind up getting abducted by the werewolf gestapo, we can just use my dumb little placeholders until you can be recovered, or until we decide to glaze without you.

That being said, I understand that some of our veteran tessellators have loftier ambitions than one week can satisfy. No deadline is unnegotiable.


Q: If I want to participate, do I need to buy my own glass and ceramics...?
A: The tools we use for our mosaics are free to download! If you want to participate, you need to do TWO THREE THINGS:

  1. Post in this thread in the usual manner before Wednesday, July 15th, 2015. Latecomers will be accepted, but frowned upon.
  2. Announce your choice of number between 1 and 12 that hasn't already been picked. Fractions, decimals, variables expressed as inequalities? Sure, whatever. I won't be explaining how I use this number before our mosaic is complete.

Once you've completed those two THREE steps, be on the lookout for my private message late next week. Additional instructions will be included. In the meantime, if you'd like to vote to change the order of materials encountered in the mosaic, that thread is still open until Sunday, July 12th.

Q: isn't this just EK4
A: Shhh. Don't jinx it... but maybe tell your friends.


  1. Friday with the Umbrella and assigned the number 1
  2. Bongo Bill with the Blue Key (immediately following the Red Key) and assigned the number 2
  3. Newbie with the Eye and selecting the number 8
  4. LaserBeing with the Yellow Key and selecting the number 6
  5. Mothra with the Purple Key and selecting the number 3
  6. Healy with the Red Key and selecting the number 9
  7. Niku with the Detector and assigned the number 7
  8. Esperath with Climbing and assigned the number 11
  9. Stush helping with art and maybe a level!

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:54 pm
by Friday

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:55 pm
by Friday
I'll take umbrella, for maximum raving.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:57 pm
by Newbie
Friday wrote:umbrella

Oh right; knew I forgot something. ~edited~

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:06 am
by Bongo Bill
Shit. Fine. Do I get to choose which week, at least?

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:09 am
by Newbie
Bongo Bill wrote:Shit. Fine. Do I get to choose which week, at least?

If you want to make your week seven days scattered over the course of two months, I might frown, but I have absolutely no place from which to argue.

Anyway in addition to organizing this, 8. I'll make the section for the Eye.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:23 am
by Stush
I had a lot of fun last time, but i don't think building levels is really my thing, if people would like a custom tileset or something for their bit I'd love to give that a try, though! That was the thing i got into the most.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:44 am
by LaserBeing
wait why is the eye 8

why are you making us solve bullshit math puzzles to get the item we want



fine I dunno uh... 6?
just gimme the dang hologram, I'll make sure nobody else can abuse it

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:55 am
by Bongo Bill
I have no idea how I'm going to come up with a sufficiently mundane and pastoral concept for my area on such short notice. Uhhhhhh give me the blue key. I'd like it to please come immediately after the red key.

It will be near the end of this month before I'm able to start on this in earnest.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:59 am
by LaserBeing
no wait, the numbers don't correspond to the items? is it... the order?


Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:06 am
by Newbie
It is very simple. Pick whatever item you want: the order of items (and thus, the sequence of areas) is determined by the other thread. You should also pick a number, which doesn't have anything to do with your choice of item, turn order, or really anything obvious or relevant.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:57 am
by Mothra
Having never done one of these, I'm going to take whatever good item is left after everyone who knows what they're doing picks.

My number is 3.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:46 pm
by LaserBeing
Newbie wrote:It is very simple. Pick whatever item you want: the order of items (and thus, the sequence of areas) is determined by the other thread. You should also pick a number, which doesn't have anything to do with your choice of item, turn order, or really anything obvious or relevant.

this might have been clearer if you had actually presented the other thread that way instead of as a popularity poll

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:47 pm
by Healy
I'll take the number 9 and the Red Key (immediately before Blue Key).

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:48 am
by Newbie
Glad to hear it, Healy! I have updated the list to reflect the current signups!



Julie found this thread today and told me to tell you that she couldn't stop laughing about this line, and that nobody has ever better described what it's like to be around me. To commemorate this moment, a haiku:

Rainy summer nights
Go well with such succinctness.
Good job with those words.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:48 am
by Esperath
uhhh, climbing and 10

I've never used the editor before so the level will be totally noob scale

never mind, my tendonitis probably won't let me do this anyway, sry

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:27 am
by Smiler
I'm with Mothra; I've never done this before but I'll try it. I have no clue what the items are but i'll take number 5.

Oh god i just looked at the editor I don't think I'd ever be able to make anything less than awful in this thing.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:33 pm
by Newbie
You two tried to back out, but you didn't know that I, Newbie, have already read your words and signed you up!

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:50 pm
by Bongo Bill
It's really easy to use. I will help you.

Re: let's play mosaic-painting game

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:08 am
by Brantly B.
I think tendinitis is a pretty valid reason not to want to manage 7 layers of tiles per screen though.