Friday says nice things about you

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Friday says nice things about you

Postby Friday » Fri Aug 09, 2019 10:55 am

Hey this idea has been in my brain for

5 years?

but i was always honestly kinda scared to do it because, well

i dunno, i guess i was afraid people would take it the wrong way or feel left out if I didn't include them in the initial post

but fuck it here we go

So I've known most of you (not all of you) for a long time. As well as you can know anyone over an internet message board and an IRC client. (I mean that, like, literally. I literally know a lot of you pretty much -as well as you can- over the internet.)

We've had some rough times! I don't think there's any of us left who weren't involved in some forum drama or some other bullshit. Like any group of people, we fight, we bite, we fight we bite we fight

fight fight fight
bite bite bite

but anyway most of us are pretty chill now so

Here's a thread where Friday uses her brain to analyze you but only (for the most part) mentions the positives.

I'm doing this, in part, because the shit that happened to me in the last 12 months has caused me to sort of change my perspective on life, in that I want to try to be a better person and help others. And a lot of you could probably stand to be reminded that you're good people.

If anyone else wants in, or wants a more in depth analysis, just ask. I'm going to hit a few people off the top of my head but only because they're on the top of my head. If you got left out it's not because I hate you. I don't hate, or even dislike, anyone on these boards.


You have an almost terminal case of give-a-fuck. This can be slightly annoying in the way you choose to express it sometimes but really I mean come the fuck on. Between someone who cares about shit and someone who doesn't, I'll take you any time.

You're smart and kind and you genuinely get upset when your friends are mad at you. You're quick and easy to apologize (which is a tremendous, let me repeat that, a -tremendous- trait to have as a human being) which is really good in your case because your constant anger at injustice in the world causes you to mouth off and annoy people. I've watched you grow up on these boards and go from a scared little kid to an adult who teaches other kids literally. Stellar job asshole, A+.

Hey, what's up Guy-Who-Brought-Wolf-To-The-Boards!?

Just for that I love you forever, but you're also a genuinely nice person. All of your posts are really well reasoned and calm. I've seen pictures of you and you've got a face to match. You'd do really well as a diplomat or a mediator because it feels like you're really able to not let negative emotions influence your actions. I don't think I can remember a single mean post ever written by you in over 15 fucking years. That's... like, you deserve a cheevo or something.

*Achievement unlocked!
How The Fuck Did You Do This
-Do not post anything mean in like 15 years what are you an enlightened person if so can you help us out I feel like humanity could use another solid role model at the current time-

You're also really intelligent and funny. Anyway keep up the good work, my dude. And never change your avatar, it's maximum rad.

*nodding beard guy zoom in*

Hey what's up you seem to genuinely care about other people and want to help them out. That's a really cool thing. Unlike Newbie, you can be mean to people but usually it's in service to trying to help them. I'll be 100% with you in that I don't always agree with your methods but I mean I get the intent behind it.

Anyway keep on truckin' my dude and I just want to let you know you said something like "don't let a fear of being mediocre or normal make you not enjoy your life" about 5 or 10 years back somewhere in the giant mess of the previous boards and I think about that a lot. It's okay to just be chill and do what you can, you know?

*looks at own avatar*

Haha, all jokes aside, man you've got it rough. You come across as a massive narcissist because of how much you like to talk. And yeah sometimes you can be obtuse or miss the point, which doesn't help you out. But you really are just endlessly curious about shit and want to discuss it! And you're always willing to stand up and defend your viewpoint, which is admirable in its own way. I mean I disagree with you a lot of the time but never in a, like, holy shit this guy is a dickhead kind of way, which unfortunately is how a lot of people react to you. I'm sure you're well aware of what I'm talking about.

I think your brobdingnagiest strength is that you can instantly empathize with almost anyone. Like me, I suspect you developed this trait due to your extremely fucked childhood (which I've observed either turns people into massive saps like you and me or complete fuckfaces) but it has served you very well with interacting with the world.

You're also very bright and like I said, endlessly curious about shit. You post random facts in the random fact thread and I love that kind of shit.

Anyway, I feel like people who dismiss you out of hand as "oh that Mongrel" are really doing themselves a disservice. If you can look past the "haha dude won't shut the fuck up" part of you, there's a really solid core person there with a lot to offer. I'm not even gonna say "hey you could improve by shutting up more often" because fuck it, that's your thing. You're often wrong but so the fuck what, we all are.

Well, if I had to give an award for "most improved" person on these boards, I honestly would probably give it to you, brother. Not in a condescending way, either.

You went from the "he's not wrong, he's just an asshole" guy to a super chill dude who isn't afraid to get down and dirty with the debate shit but doesn't rely on insults. And that's good because debate is great! It's how people learn!

Anyway, apart from your internet arguments you've always been a very nice person who is right there ready to help people in need. You fight the good fight and if the world was full of more people like you it would be a better place, 100%. you and your posts have helped me learn and grow politically moreso than anyone else on these boards, so I'd just like to say, thanks man. You're a good person and I learned a lot from you. I still don't always agree with you but hey that's okay. Anyway keep up the good work.

where the fuck are you come back dad

hey girl

I'll be honest, I don't know you that well. I've known you for a long time, but you're not the type to be super open with your personal shit on the internet. Which is, of course, 100% fine. But I have immense respect for you both for living with mongrel being a consistent good poster and nice person, and your own journey being trans. I'll always support you as much as a random person on the internet can in both regards.

Also holy shit that Baroness cosplay. A fucking plus.

I remember once posting something like "I don't know you very well but you seem super nice and cool" and man was I right about that. You've done a lot of back-end work on these forums and we all really appreciate it, but you're also just a super great person in general. You and Kishi both seem to be excellent in that regard.

Anyway I'm glad I became better friends with you. Pet your cats for me!

Hey, we've got the same hometown!

Anyway how can someone who loves Castlevania and Kain as much as I do be bad, right? You're super smart and super awesome and a great friend. I'm glad I met you.

you're like the male Mars! And I mean that in the best possible way!

I know you get down on yourself because your family is shit and it spills over and makes you think you yourself are also shit but trust me when I say this is not true. You're rad to the max and I wish for nothing more than for you to realize that. Take care man and keep your chin up.

fun fact: Brentai is the reason I joined this community.

No, seriously. I was reading the quotes page on Solidsharkey and this 'Brentai' kept popping up in the quotes and I thought to myself, man, I've got to get to know this guy, he's fucking funny and real in a way you don't often see.

Later I realized holy shit was I right about that.

Anyway, I know you pretty well. You're smart, kind, always willing to lend a hand, and funny as fuck. You've helped me, personally, though a lot of really shit times and I want you to know I appreciate it from the bottom of my rotten heart. But I also know you've helped others here both emotionally and financially and that speaks volumes about who you are as a person. You're great and shiny and never forget it. Or I'll come beat you up. (Don't worry I'll also bring pizza and coke.)

You're a very private person and I'm honored you'd include me as a friend. I know you probably don't want me talking too much about you in a public space so I'll make this quick. You're one of the most selfless and kind people I've ever known and you have an integrity that frankly intimidates me with how pure it is.

You're awesome and kind and one of the smartest people I've ever known.

hey whats up DUMBOBILL

You're always ready to throw down and give good, solid, well reasoned advice in any debate or argument. You remind me of Newbie (or he reminds me of you, whichever) in a lot of ways in that you both would make really good mediators or diplomats. You're really smart and know a lot of shit. I consider you one of my best sources for reliable information about things.

Plus you're witty and cool and you have great taste in hats. *thumbs up*

You don't post here or in #finalfight a lot, and that's a shame because almost every time you do it's amazing. I don't know you as well as a lot of other people here but I'm a good judge of character and boy do you have a good one. Like Bongo I consider you a good source of information because you don't bullshit or beat around the bush. I'd have you do my taxes any day.

Is anyone cooler than leeham? No it's not even close

You're super interesting and chill and witty and kind. Your dumb jokes always make me smile and laugh. And lets' not even talk about your art because I could go on all day. Anyway like Mazian I wish you'd post more because I always enjoy reading it.

It's cool we're getting married. I look forward to our first night on our honeymoon at the Honeybee Inn.

You, like me, have had a rocky history here on the forums and I just want you to know that I don't give a shit about that.

You're a solid good person who really gives a shit about others and how they feel. I've never been super close to you but I want you to know I respect you and always have. You're great and you did a lot of really good work for this community. Keep being rad.

For a long time when I first came here I sort of thought you were sort of just like this boring girl. Not in a bad way, just in a "not interested" way. Boy was I fucking wrong and an idiot.

You are a super amazing person and I don't just mean in how you dress or like swords or any of that stuff. I mean, that makes you even more amazing but I'm talking about your personality. You really care about other people and do your best to always make people feel good around you. That trait is the true mark of a Gentleman or Lady and I mean that in the best way. I'm really glad I got over whatever dumb shit was making me not see how great you were and become friends with you. Keep on rockin' in your cute as hell fashion.

sometimes I think about how there was a time I really disliked you and then I hit myself in the face for being that fucking stupid.

You are truly one of the funniest and kindest people here. I know I keep using those descriptive words for people but you stand out in the crowd. I have a ton of fond memories of wolf and shit with you and I think about you often in that context. I know you've had rough times in your life and I just want to say keep your chin up because you're great and you deserve any happiness you can get your hands on.

I think, if I really had to pick a single person on the boards here to help me bury a body, it'd be you.

I don't know why, exactly, but I just feel like you're the type of friend to really go hard. In the best kind of way.

You've done a lot of work for this community and we all appreciate it. You're super kind and quick to forgive people. That trait, forgiveness, is a trait of the strong, not the weak, and in that sense you are really one of the strongest people in this place. I can always count on you to have a well reasoned and passionate take on things, because you do really care about the world and other people. Love ya man.

I know you mostly because you're Romo's best friend but you've always impressed me with how much you care about shit. It doesn't surprise me you're friends with Romo because you're both the same that way.

Plus, you're funny and you do awesome arts. Take care of yourself man.

*brofist from across the room*

You are 100% the raddest fucking person here. You do a ton of work for the boards and you do a great job. I liked you right from the start.

Thanks for everything you did for Kazz. You really were a good friend to him when he needed you. I think that pretty much says everything I need to say about your character. You're great and don't ever fucking doubt it. Plus you're funny as fuck, which is always a plus.

You are like the epitome of "fighting the good fight." You'd be a terrifying enemy to have because of how tenacious and determined you are to improve the world and fuck up evil. I'm really glad I'm on your side.

You can be coarse and acidic and that pisses people off sometimes. But you don't really do it to be mean, exactly? I used to think you did but then I looked a little deeper and realized you just don't give a shit and speak what you mean without sugar coating anything. But you're a good soul and you're on the side of the angels, and thank god you are because again, wouldn't want to be your enemy. I have a lot of respect for you and the work that you do in your life. Keep it up brother.

You're a fucking genius game designer. But who cares because the person behind that is better than your games.

You are loving and caring and probably too good for this shitty world. But please don't leave us because you're rad as fuck and I'd miss the shit out of you. Congrats on your second kid!

You struggle with depression and self-doubt like a lot of us and that's okay. Your depression doesn't define who you are any more than cancer defines who a cancer victim is. You are truly a great person Zara.

Wait a minute nevermind you're shit you didn't include Bosses in Shippu 0/10

wow there are so many memes I could put here

You've been a great friend over the years. You're definitely one of the smartest people around these parts and you've got a heart to match. You probably saved my fucking life a year ago by warning me about the fire so jesus christ I owe you one.

Anyway if I was to rate you as a person by using apm I would say you are korean-level

You're super, you're sensational, you're spectacular, you're smile, sweet, sistah, sadistic, surprise, service, sa katto. Pisa katto.

You remind me of paco (in a good way) in that you're a chill dude who wants to help people be better.

I don't know you that well (though I've known you for a long fucking time now) but anyone who writes that quality of DQ text can't be anything less than A+. Also you're a really funny guy. Whenever I see that fucking Starship Trooper av I know I'm in for a good time.

Whats up my Ortega Weretiger Olrox Lightsaber bro

You once posted a story about how some jackass drove by and yelled some bullshit at you and it made me really angry! No, really!

I couldn't imagine a nicer and more well-minded person and anyone being a dick to you fucking infuriates me because seriously you're like the nicest most easygoing person ever.

I love your stories about how you learned English from DQ games and fucking Battle of Olympus (of all things.) Just knowing that there was a Quebecian kid out there humming Peloponnesus at the same time this american girl was doing the same brings a smile to my face. You're amazing and intelligent and genuine and you have excellent taste.

Also you speak and write better english than all of us native speakers so good job

you're new(ish) here so I don't know you that well yet but you've managed to impress me with the content quality of your posts. You seem like a really decent guy and I hope you continue to post here until we are all uploaded into the hive mind.


No seriously I think that theme pretty accurately sums up who you are as a person.

You've got brain problems, but who cares, so do I. You persevere despite them and manage to be a really great and kind person. Love ya girl.


Alright, that's it for now. If anyone else wants in or wants a more in depth analysis (including negative traits if you so desire) let me know, either in the thread or PM if you don't want me giving my unlicensed opinions about you in public.

I meant it when I said I pretty much like everyone here, so keep in mind any negative trait discussion would be purely in a constructive light. Love you guys.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby zaratustra » Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:37 pm

daw you're a dear friday

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby beatbandito » Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:35 pm

now make it into a poll

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby nosimpleway » Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:46 pm

Okay. A while back Firaxis was hyping their then-to-be-released Civ 6. When they released the trailer for Sumeria, the accompanying text articles were basically "Gilgamesh is the best buddy to have, ride-or-die, your best friend and only endless bitter fury for anyone who dislikes you even a little. This guy has got your fuckin' back, my dude, no matter what."

Reading that synopsis I go "Oh, so they made Joxam a player character, that's cool."

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Newbie » Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:58 pm

posting in a legendary thread

But to be serious for a moment, I may have been in college at the time that I first started posting here, but the idea of using and interacting on a forum as peers was so unintuitive to me that I basically saw everybody else as these sophisticated elder statesfolk that I was just mimicing to try to fit in. Didn't matter how nonsensical or scatological or hostile the posts got, that was just Society on the Internet, and y'all were basically pioneers whose footsteps I could follow, but who would anyways be at least a few steps out of reach.

I guess that's a version of imposter syndrome, and I guess it's started to fade as I've met more of you, but it's a sense that always lingers, so your post means a lot, Friday. If I don't post as much anymore, that's just a consequence of how busy life can get, but this place is still among the most significant to my personal history. I love you all.
tiny text

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Upthorn » Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:14 pm

Just as planned, I don't leave a lasting impression on anyone, except in my role as haikubot!

I agree with most of Friday's analysis, except that I never got the impression Mongrel is a narcissist -- he always just strikes me as someone excited to share and hopeful for engagement.

Also, I think Zara was what led me to #finalfight. Specifically my first college roomie frequented solidsharkey and explained that many of the top quotes, specifically including the classic "anus shades" were from this one IRC channel. When I joined I was surprised to learn that he wasn't there.

Friday, I have a request: one of my worst fears is that I'm toxic to the people around me and everybody's afraid to let me know how they really feel, so if you have any impression of me at all, give me the negatives, specifically.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Mongrel » Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:32 pm

A+ great thread, for the ages. Let's, uh, see if I can avoid making this too long.

1) I don't think I ever thought of you as mean, Friday, just that you were keeping your distance. Maybe I didn't know you well enough at first, but my original impression of you was that there was a decent, empathetic, person in there and you just had high standards who only opened up with a few people, and I felt sad because I was a blabbering buffoon who didn't meet those standards and you seemed like a real cool person to know better. I'm seriously impressed at how you opened up over the past couple years.

Also, you're a fucking awesome writer and storyteller. Somehow even when you're making joke posts where you just smash the keyboard with your face AFTDGYU@W, or ramble all over with jokey "Friday (Age 12)" posts, that comes off as more thoughtful and even unobtrusively polished than a lot of professional essays I've seen.

Not to mention you're a fucking survivor. You've gone through so much shit it's nuts, but you're still willing to give and help and try to be a better person. You see what you have instead of being bitter about what you don't, and that really counts for a lot.

2) I really struggle with brevity partially because writing in school was always about WORD COUNTS and that fucked my writing up permanently, but mainly because I'm also pretty much always exploding with "Oh, and then there's this, oh and that too, and..." and I want to share all of it. My thoughts are disorganized and it shows, and I know that hinders the goal of "give people information for fun/education/jokes, guy", but that's how my brain is.

That's not an excuse though, I just gotta keep trying to find a way to improve on this. You guys have no idea how bad I was BEFORE chatting on forums, especially you guys and the MTG dorks. Forum communication taught me way more about coherent writing than anything else I ever did.

Actually it's kind of funny, because I told my step-nephew how "If you're just quiet and listen, people will share things with you you'd never hear otherwise." and now my brother is pissed at me about that because "Caleb hears EVERYTHING, since you told him that!" :D

3) I love all you guys. This is quite literally the only place I know of anywhere on the internet where everyone is so relentlessly supportive of each other. I know that's partly because there were certain lines we drew and people whose behaviour got them thrown out, though as is way too clear these days, that's a lot more than most communities are willing to do. But even without that you guys are just good folks, period. I remember the times like when everyone came together to help Sharkey save his family home for his brother and I think about how rare it is to have good friends who would do stuff like that.

4) I miss the folks we don't see anymore. Sharkey come home, but others too. The old maps Geo made always make wistful for so many of those names, especially long-lost favourites FAP! and FUK!

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Friday » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:18 pm

oh hey some people posted I forgot to include, so lets include them

It took me a long time to warm up to you. You are, to put it bluntly, blunt to the point of rudeness. But I don't think you do it to be rude, you just say what you think with no filters a lot of the time. Anyway when I started looking at you beyond that I noticed a dude who was witty and funny and endlessly sarcastic. (in a good way.)

Every time you link something on the boards or #finalfight I'm like yaaaas what weird shit am I going to discover now through ryg's magical absurd sense of humor.

You march to a different drummer than most people, for sure, but shit I share your problem of being too blunt so I can't stand here and criticize you for it. And you're a good guy. You've got a lot of shitty problems at work and otherwise in your life and I want you to know I'm rooting for you bro, but I don't need to worry, because you're also tough as nails.

So back when you were EXPLODING VAN: THE POSTER I mostly didn't pay much attention to you because you were just sort of a single-dimension meme to me. Not in a bad way, really, I just didn't know you. Anyway I said something relatively benign while feeling shitty in #ff and you immediately PMed me asking if I was okay.

I was impressed that you were perceptive and sensitive enough to pick up on how I was feeling through one line of text that I didn't intend to convey that. You immediately offered to help in any way you could and I remember thinking "damn, this guy is going through the worst fucking luck ever and he's still ready at the drop of a hat to help someone else out?"

Long story short you're great. And you're pretty fucking funny when you wanna be, too. A+ package don't let your memes be dreams

Also grats on wife and kid :D

Also your LPs are fucking S tier and gave me and others hours of entertainment so high five

Just as planned, I don't leave a lasting impression on anyone, except in my role as haikubot!


Just because I forgot to include you doesn't mean you didn't make an impression. (No, really.)

You're not as active as a lot of people here and that's fine, everyone does what they do. That doesn't make you boring or anything. You mentioned the haikubot and like, doing shit like that is super cool. It may not be flashy or anything, but just like Lyrai, its work put into making other people happy in the community, and that counts for something.

I know you have problems with self-esteem. Honestly, I don't feel I know you well enough to really say why. From what little you've said you find yourself doubting your own worth a lot. I really can't give you advice more specific than "self-worth isn't about your 'accomplishments' and more about how you make others around you feel". My theory is we're here for each other, right, and you make the people around you feel good. That's more than enough to justify your existence to me. Anything else is just gravy on top of that.

Friday, I have a request: one of my worst fears is that I'm toxic to the people around me and everybody's afraid to let me know how they really feel

This is actually a pretty common thing. Even I have felt this from time to time. Let me be clear: I don't know you that well, but you probably know me well enough to know that I'm not really one to mince words or dance around the issue. So:

You're not toxic. If anything, I feel you're a gentle soul who is probably a little bit timid about life in general. You could probably improve yourself a lot by building up some confidence in yourself and learning to let go of these self-hating thoughts like "everyone actually thinks I'm toxic and just won't tell me" which is pretty clearly illogical and wrong.

Again, like I said to Zara, depression doesn't define who you are. You do. Be the person you want to be. Believe in yourself. I do. I believe everyone can self-improve if they really want to and put the effort in. I think, no, I know you can do it. You've got a good head on your shoulders and a kind disposition. That's all it takes, my dude. Compare yourself to Sora, who doesn't have either of those things. You're light years ahead of that guy on the path to self-improvement. Not that Sora couldn't improve himself. He's just got a lot harder of a job with it than you, that's all.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Romosome » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:19 pm

I'd like to step in here, because I've met Upthorn multiple times and hosted him at my house.

The first time you showed up, I really didn't know shit about you and I was a bit hesitant. You gave me absolutely no reasons to dislike or fear you. You're kind, honest, gentle even, and I would say that I have no idea why you think you bother people.

Except I know why you think that, because I've thought it about myself my whole life. It's simple insecurity, brought on by trauma and rejection. I know that it's easy to brush off kind words and reassurance. When my anxiety wasn't controlled and I wasn't on meds, every single person who complimented me was dismissed by my brain as stupid or pathetic, essentially. My best friends and family would tell me how much they liked me, and I'd think "they're either too stupid to see how bad I REALLY am, or they're just as much of a loser as me". It's insane.

I wish I could give you some kind of shortcut to get to where I am now, but I *know* it doesn't work like that. I wish I could make sure you could hear my compliments and not immediately think I'm just doing it to be nice or polite (I'm not, way too lazy for that shit if it didn't matter). But nothing can guarantee that, so all I can do is offer my honest observations and trust in you to be strong enough to accept them.

You are fucking rad. The kind of wild shit you've made actually makes me jealous. I got really stoned one day and came to you babbling about group_inou music videos, and you turned around and made awesome subtitles for two whole videos? Not for fame, or to get me to like you, or anything, just because it would be cool.

What I didn't tell you was that I was going through some really rough emotional shit during that period too. Some of it was related to Kazz. You probably thought you were just fooling around or even "wasting time", but you helped me get through shit by letting me talk and think about silly animated music videos instead of wallowing.

Furthermore, that Ecco the Dolphin shit was rad. I'm envious of your ability to make a TAS at all, let alone debug the whole goddamn game to show collision data and other shit. It's also a cool as hell game that's stylish, you're not doing it with Spongebob or anything. Projecting video game shit on the side of a house while swimming in the pool, the whole swim-in theater setup, was a dream of mine for YEARS and I only got off my ass and did something about it because of you. And Brentai, and Silversong, and everyone else who came and swam with us, but definitely you.

I know this is a little rambling, because I sat down and just wrote it off the cuff the second I saw you say you weren't mentioned. You're an incredible person, Upthorn, you're only not noticed because of your excellent qualities like politeness and patience. If you're afraid to put yourself out there more because you've been hurt, don't be. You survived everything you've been through up until now, and you came out of it still a total bro. You're welcome at my house anytime.

ps I think you left your sandals here

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Romosome » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:22 pm

also literally everyone loves haikubot

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Thad » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:36 pm


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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Friday » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:39 pm

oh, wait, sorry, it turns out you like Thundercats, so negate everything you've ever said.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Friday » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:51 pm

4) I miss the folks we don't see anymore. Sharkey come home, but others too. The old maps Geo made always make wistful for so many of those names, especially long-lost favourites FAP! and FUK!

Yeah, me too. I can actually think of a lot of nice things to say about a lot of people who don't come here anymore and thinking about them and what I would say if they were still here made me sad.

Really, the old glory days of the middle/late 00s (even with all the fucking drama) were a very special time and place. I'm glad I was a part of it.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby nosimpleway » Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:53 pm

you were just sort of a single-dimension meme

Well gee Friday not all of us can be a hyperintelligent dolphin, a baby-eating nightmare, and the sole target of the entirety of Gaia's Fury at the same time

also that last one outdoes anything I ever went through. I bought a lemon, you were the target of an assassin deer and your house burned down. so uh

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Lottel » Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:01 pm

This is a really good idea you've had here. Everyone needs concrete words to feel better about themselves from time to time.

Even me. And everybody loves me. I'm the best.

Edit: I'm not saying that to make you include me. I'm saying this is a good idea and also bragging about how I'm the best in one fell swoop.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Friday » Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:16 pm

do you really need any more girls in your harem to tell you how awesome you are lottel

listen you need to settle down with 3-5 smart, nice girls who will cook you a nice dinner after they are done with you in bed and stop fucking around with 7-12 girls who just want you for your body and your really good hair

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby beatbandito » Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:33 pm

Aw, that's how my real life friends would describe me, too!

Alt response:

re lottel:

your key is the third most watched clip on my channel behind the Nope and Yup from Archer, and that's with absolutely no SOE for the actual movie. So someone must like you.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Lottel » Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:17 pm

There are 25k views and not a single one asking who Lottel is.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby Büge » Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:01 pm

Friday wrote:Buge:
hey girl

I'll be honest, I don't know you that well. I've known you for a long time, but you're not the type to be super open with your personal shit on the internet. Which is, of course, 100% fine. But I have immense respect for you both for living with mongrel being a consistent good poster and nice person, and your own journey being trans. I'll always support you as much as a random person on the internet can in both regards.

Also holy shit that Baroness cosplay. A fucking plus.

Well, thank you, Friday. I appreciate... whatever the opposite of being put on blast is.

If I'm ever in California, we should hang out. Maybe play some Magic.

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Re: Friday says nice things about you

Postby MarsDragon » Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:15 pm

It's true, fbm and I are basically twins who met as adults. Someday us and Kishi will get struck by lightning and fuse into the ultimate video game trivia nerd.

Anyway, thanks, Friday. I'm bad with compliments, but your words are appreciated. It's sometimes weird to think that this community is still going, but here we are.

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