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Postby Silversong » Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:40 am

Büge wrote:Today was the wurst.

I lol'd.

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Postby Smiler » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:06 pm

I got a bug up my butt a little while ago and wanted to look up the spooky mausoleum that was in my neighborhood when i was a kid. I finally did it today.


Yep! That's a spooky mausoleum. This website has some pictures of it that were taken a year before it was torn down.

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Postby Mongrel » Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:46 pm

Almost forgot: Starr and I were in Ottawa for a day or so and the highlights of the trip were 1) an awesome German bar with some sweet German beers on discount Thursday night and 2) seeing this dude driving his absolutely ballin' car around downtown Ottawa.

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Postby Büge » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:59 pm

Ada Bee: Hi teg
Ada Bee: Guess what I did
teg: installed the GPU?
Ada Bee: yes, that was this morning
teg: played MTG?
Ada Bee: nah
teg: took a nap?
teg: ooh ooh
Ada Bee: I'll tell you what I did though
teg: taught Sewaddle to play cards
teg: what did you DOOOOOOOO
Ada Bee: welp
Ada Bee: I went to the Garlic Festival
teg: :0
Ada Bee: It was fun
Ada Bee: Spent $20 on a bag full of huge garlic cloves
Ada Bee: sampled a lot of different things
Ada Bee: sauces and oils
Ada Bee: I had a black garlic and miso chocolate truffle
Ada Bee: it was pretty good
Ada Bee: sampled some kombucha
Ada Bee: it was sorta like sour ginger ale, but it was also good
Ada Bee: bought a cup of drinking chocolate
Ada Bee: then I decided to head home.
Ada Bee: which leads into the next part of the story
teg: in which you teach Sewaddle to play cards?
Ada Bee: So I start walking east, because I saw St. Clair West station on the trip there, and I figured I'd catch the subway home
Ada Bee: Turns out the station's closed
Ada Bee: So I say, okay, let's walk east some more unti I hit one of the main streets
Ada Bee: So I walk east and get to Spadina
Ada Bee: I turn south, fully intending to walk to Spadina station on the east-west subway line.
Ada Bee: I go south down Spadina, and I pass over a ravine with a path through it
Ada Bee: I'm like, cool, hey why not take a little detour?
Ada Bee: So I go down into Nordheimer Ravine and start walking southeast along the path
Ada Bee: Lovely little wild place, I must say
Ada Bee: So I get to another street and head south, and I think to myself, I wonder if there's a park nearby with a swing set?
Ada Bee: So I start wandering east again.
Ada Bee: I take a rambling detour until I do find a playground with swings, but a lady was letting her dogs run around, and I didn't want to accidentally kick them.
teg: aww
Ada Bee: Lionel Conacher Park, it was
Ada Bee: So I keep going east and then I find myself at Yonge street
Ada Bee: I'm like, hey, why not walk down to Yonge and Bloor and ride the subway?
Ada Bee: But then I'm like, nah, I'm having such a good time, why not keep exploring?
Ada Bee: So I head south a bit, and then head east, into anotherneighborhood
Ada Bee: *another neighborhood
Ada Bee: (aside: all these neighborhoods are really affluent, by the way. I'd estimate the houses range in price from one to three million)
Ada Bee: So I'm marching east from Yonge, and I travel through the neighborhoods until I hit another sloping area, and so I'm like, hey, another ravine
Ada Bee: I start walking along the trail alongside a creek, and people are passing by on foot or on bikes
Ada Bee: and I see the trail forks in two directions
teg: did you take the one less travelled by
Ada Bee: I took the steeper one
Ada Bee: Because I was like, you know, I bet I'm close to the Evergreen Brick Works. That's almost home!
Ada Bee: So I walk up the steep trail, named Milkman's Lane and I come to another affluent neighborhood. I have no idea where I am, but I find a bus shelter and realize, yep, I'm almost to the Brick Works
Ada Bee: I walk through the neighborhood and ask a nice man walking his dogs how to get there
teg: when are you gonna get to the fireworks factory
Ada Bee: he tells me that I actually should go back down Milkman's Lane and take the other pathway
Ada Bee: I'm like whoops
Ada Bee: because Milkman's Lane was really steep, y'see
Ada Bee: And at this point, my legs are startin' to get sore
Ada Bee: So I take the trail he says, and sure enough, I get to the brick works
Ada Bee: Then I travel up to Pottery Road, which is near my place
Ada Bee: But I see another side path heading more eastward
Ada Bee: Part of me says no, but another part says why not?
Ada Bee: So I head east down the Lower Don River Trail.
Ada Bee: And I walk and walk and walk
Ada Bee: And my legs are feelin' stiff
Ada Bee: I saw a bicycler napping on a rock by the river.
Ada Bee: That was a bit odd.
Ada Bee: So I keep walking, until I reach Beechwood Drive
Ada Bee: Then I head up the road, which is very, very steep
Ada Bee: like, thirty degrees
Ada Bee: But I keep going, cuz I'm only about five or ten minutes away from home
Ada Bee: Finally, I get to my neighborhood and walk back to the apartment, where I took a nice long bath.
Ada Bee: And that's how I walked about 11km in three hours.
teg: jiminy crickets
teg: so
teg: you didn't teach Sewaddle to play cards

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Postby atog » Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:50 pm

Büge wrote:
teg: so
teg: you didn't teach Sewaddle to play cards


yeah between my paw being in town, and me and Mongrel not being able to get the lead out and put 60 cards together to save our lives, must have been a disappointment to answer that ad long ago "Share Clean Quiet Apt with Magic Judge and avid Legacy Player HUGE COLLECTION L@@K"
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Postby Mongrel » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:13 pm

So, today I took my 82-year-old father-in-law to a Maid Café.

Starr's dad has been in town for a few days and we're treating him to various things. After dinner this evening, Starr suggested ice cream. Meanwhile, I had a brainwave. Being an old New Yorker, my FIL especially appreciates things like delis and cheesecake. So I said "Hey Uncle Tetsu's cheesecake shop is just down the street from there. I've never been but I've meant to try it for a while and its supposed to have really amazing cheesecake."

And it does! If you can imagine a fluffy, light cheesecake, which is still every bit a perfect cheesecake, that's their thing. They also have a number of very excellent other treats.

But what neither Starr or I knew, was that the sit-in cafe part of the shop is a weeb maid cafe. They even have maid dance-offs (but not tonight). So Starr and I were just looking at each other the whole time with this horrified "SAY NOTHING!" look on our faces, while my FIL remained blissfully unaware. He probably figured it was just a gimmick of that shop's or something.

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Postby Mongrel » Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:05 pm

Saw an ad on a Dental Office: "Make your smile go VIRAL!"

I feel like maybe they didn't quite think that one through.

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Postby Yoji » Thu Oct 05, 2017 12:32 pm

I think I saw a raven walking to my car this morning; living in an apartment complex with just one spot per unit, I'm always having to park on the street. But it's not so bad, since half the time it takes me down a street lined with some enormous trees. It's a nice change from Seal Beach, where people seem to be just itchin' for an excuse to cut one down.

Anyway, raven. I think it was one, anyway. It was making weird sounds in one of those huge trees, almost like a person popping their lips. And when it flew away, it had kind of a pointy tail, sort of rhombus-shaped. I understand that and sheer size are the difference between crows and ravens, but I couldn't get a good figure on its size.

(can I link specific Street View locations? Eh, let's give it a try. The tree in question is on the SE corner, right next to the red curb. Also, they look way bigger in person)

I dunno, I just like really like crows. Like, the popular image is that they're these loud, obnoxious trash-eaters, but they're secretly awesome. Stupendously smart, to the point that they both use and make tools. They're very social and familial, to the point that they'll actually stop to mourn their dead. I mean, our lovebird is cute, but that little asshole wannabe dinosaur will insist on sitting on my shoulder, but still bite me if I so much as look at him funny.
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Postby Mongrel » Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:00 pm

Corvids fuckin' rule. They're smart as anything and one of the EXTREMELY few animals which have passed the mirror self-awareness test (which, granted, is not perfect, but still impressive as hell).

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Postby atog » Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:22 pm

Hardly Ideal wrote:I think I saw a raven walking to my car this morning; living in an apartment complex with just one spot per unit, I'm always having to park on the street. But it's not so bad, since half the time it takes me down a street lined with some enormous trees. It's a nice change from Seal Beach, where people seem to be just itchin' for an excuse to cut one down.

Anyway, raven. I think it was one, anyway. It was making weird sounds in one of those huge trees, almost like a person popping their lips. And when it flew away, it had kind of a pointy tail, sort of rhombus-shaped. I understand that and sheer size are the difference between crows and ravens, but I couldn't get a good figure on its size.

(can I link specific Street View locations? Eh, let's give it a try. The tree in question is on the SE corner, right next to the red curb. Also, they look way bigger in person)

I dunno, I just like really like crows. Like, the popular image is that they're these loud, obnoxious trash-eaters, but they're secretly awesome. Stupendously smart, to the point that they both use and make tools. They're very social and familial, to the point that they'll actually stop to mourn their dead. I mean, our lovebird is cute, but that little asshole wannabe dinosaur will insist on sitting on my shoulder, but still bite me if I so much as look at him funny.

We have an old Peterson Field guide sitting on the bookshelf. I use it from time to time to figure out what sort of non-pigeon birds we have circulating about. The Raven has a long call set of rolling calls (no "caw" or "corn, corn, corn" ) and a short set of "tok, tok, tok" which your description brought to mind. I've never seen a raven here, but my guess is that's your birb.
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Postby Newbie » Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:05 am

Tonight I am back from Michigan. We were there for Julie's mom's funeral. Some of these years are just no good at all.
tiny text

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Postby Mothra » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:02 am

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine.

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Postby Mongrel » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:09 am

Geez. Sorry man.

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Postby Büge » Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:11 pm

I'm sorry, Newbie. :(

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Postby atog » Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:28 pm

:( That's rough, man. :hug:
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Postby Yoji » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:29 pm

I work for a tool crib company; basically fancy, networked vending machines for tracking tools in secure areas. Track wrenches and gauges and scanners in places like aircraft hangars and industrial areas.

We're preparing for a trade show at the end of the month where we hope to demo for police departments, which means we're handling a buttload of props. Uniforms, radar guns, breathalyzers, all that kind of stuff. But alongside all that are a bunch of fake guns, which is making me (irrationally?) nervous. Like, every day walking to my desk, I pass by a pile of blue wooden shotguns. I can't help but think "Jesus, people have been shot for holding cell phones that were confused for guns. I don't wanna be near these things. Let's just stick to making radar guns from craft wood."
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Postby Mongrel » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:07 pm

That feeling you get when you receive a notice that the interest rate on your line of credit is going up, right after you just paid it off (again).


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Postby Mongrel » Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:23 pm

Conversation overheard today between two grocery store clerks:

Clerk #1: "... it's really horrible, like, it's apparently basically identical to some WWII nerve gas."
Clerk #2: "Oh wow."
Clerk #1: "Yeah and he just doesn't care at all, he's just out there usin' this stuff. No protective gear or nothin."
Clerk #2: "What, like, nothin'? He doesn't even use a gas mask?"
Clerk #1: "Nope. Says 'Aww, I'm used to this stuff'."


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Postby Thad » Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:03 am

My great-grandfather stockpiled DDT when the ban was coming down the pike. "The government ain't gonna tell me I can't use DDT," that whole attitude.

Yadda yadda he died of cancer.

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Postby Mongrel » Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:04 pm

I'm on a polling company's speed-dial here (I influence public policy! muahahah!), so I went to a public feedback seminar thing about the Toronto Police Service.

A lot of older folks were in my pod and few our age as well, black white, Asian, brown, all sorts. At one point they were asking people about what made them feel safe in town and an older fellow started talking about how "Well, I don't know if this is the sort of thing you want to hear, but well, part of why I feel safe is because I'm white and male" and a lot of folks nodded and they all started to try and figure out a name for this phenomenon.

I sort of watched them politely fumble around for a term for a couple minutes before finally just blurting out "I think the term you're thinking of is 'White Privilege'". What was funny about this was that it appeared most of them had never heard this term before and so everyone thought this was a great way to describe the phenomenon. I had this trio of little old black ladies who were all nodding emphatically "mmhhmm that's a perfect way of putting it" and I'm like... wait... they think I just made this term up right now.

I sort of laughed and smiled a little inside at the little reminder of, oh yeah, this is what it's like to spend time with plain old normal people who have things to do rather than sitting around with their heads up the internet's bunghole all day. Feels good man.

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