Robin Snyder's latest Kickstarter update, I see he's been very busy.
We would like to put all of the writings into print, publish the complete Mr. A. in at least two brobdingnagian books, publish further issues of The Hero Comics, reprint the 176-Page Package, bring Character Twists to print…
…and more.
We have to be selective or we would never accomplish much trying to do everything.
Our recent title, Opening Acts v. II, has been published and is available in Barnes & Noble and many other outlets.
Or, direct from us.
The next volume in the series, Character Twists v. III, is well on its way to publication.
And, there is more…
It is not too soon to make mention of our Summer production, Out of This World.
This unique title has attracted plenty of attention. The next issue is an especially attractive one.
Issue number 28 is another 48-page comic book from Snyder and Ditko.
Now you know. Now lets see how many readers we can attract.
I found a bit more about Opening Acts v 2 at
Called The 32 Series, Snyder and editor Rodney Schroeter lay out a five-volume set to bring the vast majority of Ditko’s “lost” work back into print. While Snyder will keep fans updated on Facebook as to releases and how to order them from her, Schroeter will tackle bookstore distribution. Incidentally, he suggests ordering from
Barnes & Noble, “because they actually have stores…and I want to see them continue!” The few details we have come from a look at the back of The 32 Series Vol. II: Opening Acts, which is in spite of its name, the first one to become available (out on March 30, according to B&N and Amazon). Vol. I is presumably still being assembled. The reason for the out-of-order numbering seems to be that the five volumes will eventually collect everything in chronological order. Beyond the current release date and a rundown of the ideas, the pair have little to say. “Steve always wanted to let his work speak for him,” Snyder says. “Well and good,” Schroeter replies. Let’s continue in that spirit.”
I know there was talk of a Complete Mr. A from IDW a couple years back but it never materialized. Nice to see Snyder's still working on it. A lot of Ditko's work is out of print, there's a lot of it I still haven't read, and I'd particularly like to see, for example, his series of essays about Spider-Man and Marvel all collected in one place. I know there aren't many people clamoring for more books like The Avenging World, but I'm definitely one of them (and it'd be great for Avenging World itself to go back into print too).
I love Ditko's work, even at its weirdest, loosest, most abstract, most didactic, least comprehensible. And, not for nothin', it's not
all like that; he was a solid, brass-tacks storyteller up to the very end, when he wanted to be; yes, a lot of his work was abstract symbols shouting Randian catchphrases at each other, but OTOH there are some great, straightforward superhero stories like Miss Eerie. And while his essays are often impenetrable, a close read gives some really fascinating information about his experiences in the industry and how he felt about them. For all that I disagree with Ditko on nearly everything, he's got a lot of pointed statements about creators' rights that I
do agree with.
I've been worried for years about what would happen to Ditko's creator-owned work after he passed. Clearly it's still in good hands -- and as Snyder's up there in years too, it's good to know he's brought on somebody else to help and, hopefully, continue the work when he's no longer able to.