Yeah, that was just
a panel from Homestuck that seemed apt.
I've been trying to do some more digital painting. My drawings have never been that great, and I'm seeing lots of talented folks and thinking "wait, can I do that? Some of
these people seem to only be using a lasso tool sometimes." I can definitely
trace stuff, but I wonder how much I can generate from scratch.
Turns out... well... hm.
The vehicle comes from a SketchUp model I made, and the background elements were traced from Google images. It was originally going to be a lot more drab, but my wife and I have been into
Erin Hanson these days.Still lots to do, and I'm not 100% on how to do any of it. It needs to be covered in dust and ice, like it just drove across 500km of icebergs and glaciers. I plan to add at least one person in silhouette against the headlights, maybe another next to the tires for scale (This thing is supposed be huge). And it's looking plain overall, but I'm trying not to overdo any greebles; large vehicles like cargo ships look kinda plain from a distance, anyway.