Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:04 pm

Music: Hopes and Dreams

Asgore's fight got a slight color gradient on the bottom of the screen. Photoshop Flowey used its color and detail to stand out in its wrongness against the monochrome cast of the rest of the game. Asriel's boss fight doesn't take long to erupt into psychadelic Earthbound-style background effects, and throws some color onto his name in the dialog box for good measure.

What the hell does that even mean?



Asriel uses attacks like STAR BLAZING and CHAOS SABER and SHOCKER BREAKER that are... pretty tough to avoid! Star Blazing explodes into bullets all over the damn place, Chaos Saber covers half the battlefield and gives very little warning which half you have to be on to avoid it, and Shocker Breaker is a series of rapid-fire lightning bolts.

But, uh... the ACT commands for this fight are Hope and Dream. Hope reduces the amount of damage you take for a turn, while Dream fills all of your empty inventory space with "Last Dream" items that heal a boatload of HP. It's actually kind of hard to lose.

You can't attack Asriel, every attempt to do so just misses. This is the end of a pacifist run, you can't go killing people now! There's not much to do but Hope, Dream, eat food, and dodge as best you can. Eventually Asriel powers up to using more powerful attacks like GALACTA BLAZING and, uh, SHOCKER BREAKER II.

Apparently not being able to name for beans is an inherited trait.

Asriel's in-battle speech, condensed from the two or three lines given between each attack:

Image: You know... I don't care about destroying this world anymore. After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything. All your progress... Everyone's memories. I'll bring them all back to zero!

Image: Then we can do everything ALL over again. And you know what the best part of all this is? You'll DO it. And then you'll lose to me again. And again. And again!!!

Image: Because you want a "happy ending." Because you "love your friends." Because you "never give up."

Image: Isn't that delicious? Your "determination." The power that let you get this far... It's gonna be your downfall! Now, ENOUGH messing around! It's time to purge this timeline once and for all!

This prompts the use of HYPER GONER, where a giant Asriel face sucks in bullets and objects from all sides of the screen. I didn't get any screencaps of that happening, since at the time I was too busy dodging bullets and objects flying in from all sides of the screen.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:09 pm

Music: Burn in Despair!

Asriel turns into... well, really, that looks rather a lot like the "angel" on the Delta Rune that Gerson told us about back in Waterfall, doesn't it? I mean, with the addition of spikes and claws and stuff.

Honestly, it looks like the Original Character Do Not Steal version of the Angel, thought up by some kid who spent their childhood watching way too much anime and oh my god that's exactly what that is

Since Asriel has destroyed most of time and space with Hyper Goner, there's nothing I can do. FIGHT, ITEM, and MERCY aren't even reachable on the menu, and the only ACT command is "Struggle". And when you Struggle, this is the message you get. Nothing happens.

You can move around the battle box to try to avoid Asriel's attacks, but that's pretty tough to do...

And you can't use any items to restore HP.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:10 pm


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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:13 pm






I'd rather reload to avoid this situation, rather than save in the middle of it, but yeah.

Maybe I can Save something else...?

ACT has become SAVE.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:19 pm

Music: SAVE the World


Asriel absorbed the souls of all of my friends (and Alphys), but they're in there somewhere, right?

The Lost Soul on the left hates jokes about skeletons (but they do amuse the one on the right). Asking for help with puzzles or asking for a nice homemade meal help it to remember who it is.
The Lost Soul on the right can be told jokes, which it enjoys, or invited to take a break or... uh, judge your moral character.

It takes a few turns to reach out to the two of them, during which you discover they've reverted to the people they were before they ever met you. There's also several attacks where you have to jump over bones with a blue-tinted SOUL.

But eventually, their memories come flooding back.

Every one counts.

Undyne's in her civvies rather than imagining herself in her suit of armor, but she's still convinced that humans are a blight to be destroyed. Between turns of reaching out to her -- asking for a cooking lesson also seems familiar somehow -- you have to dodge spears with a green SOUL.

Three down, three to go.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:25 pm


You never got a boss fight with Alphys, and Mettaton's not here. So Alphys's Lost Soul uses Mettaton's attacks. Including the little tiny Mettatons that float down on parasols, which is kind of strange. Maybe there's a story element to it, and all of those were originally Alphys's magic that got imbued into Mettaton when she built his body? Eh, whatever.


Asgore and Toriel -- the defunct pairing whose Hollywood name mashup comes out "As-riel" hey wait a minute -- always used the same fire-type magic attacks, so it stands to reason their Lost Souls are encountered together. Asgore's spear attacks are omitted.

Each of them are hugged and encouraged in turn.

That's Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, and Sans. But that's not all. There's someone else who needs to be Saved.


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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:40 pm

Music: His Theme. Thanks for not spoiling the endgame surprise, OST track names!




Reaching out to Asriel, he has a flashback of when he found the first child.

Image: Huh? What are you doing...? Wh... what did you do...? What's this feeling...? What's happening to me? No! NO! I don't need ANYONE! STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me!? I'll tear you apart!

Seems Asriel resents the intrusion.

But I didn't come this far just to give up. Turn after turn, attack after attack, I choose to Save him.

Image: ... ... Rtwo... Do you know why I'm doing this...? Why I keep fighting to keep you around...? 'm doing this... Because you're special, Rtwo. You're the only one that understands me.
You're the only one who's any fun to play with anymore.

Notably, as he talks, Asriel resorts to Toriel's attacking-but-not-really fire magic, where each bullet will swerve out of its path to avoid you. His heart's not in it anymore.

Image: ... No... That's not JUST it. I... I... I'm doing this because I care about you, Rtwo! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave. I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again...

Image: So, please... STOP doing this... AND JUST LET ME WIN!!!


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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:43 pm

But I hang on, nine-tenths of a hit point.

Half a hit point.

A tenth.

A hundredth.

But I'm Determined.



Asriel, finally exhausted after that wide-angle particle beam, is ready to be Saved.



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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby Esperath » Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:57 pm

nosimpleway wrote:Honestly, it looks like the Original Character Do Not Steal version of the Angel, thought up by some kid who spent their childhood watching way too much anime and oh my god that's exactly what that is


also (spoiler)
pisa katto


pisa katto

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:20 pm

Well, we're here in this black void, with Hyper Goner having ended the entire world. There's just me and a crying monster-goat-child.

Music: Memory

Image: I always was a crybaby, wasn't I, Rtwo?

Image: ...I know. You're not actually Rtwo, are you. Rtwo's been gone for a long time. ... Um... what... What IS your name?

Further muddying the waters of how I should refer to the players in this tale, the player character hasn't ever been a stand-in avatar for me the player. Despite that I'm the one pushing the buttons on the controller, the human child is his own person. Likewise "Rtwo", the name I gave at the beginning, was assigned to the first fallen human, whereas I've been playing as the eighth.

So there's a difference between the player character, me the player, the first child named after me the player, and (if the game really wants to go full meta) the collective "we" I use sometimes to narrate ingame actions in this Let's Play.

So what's the name of the player character?

The kid gets no dialog, just Asriel's reaction. Despite leaning so heavily on the fourth wall and subverting every other RPG trope imaginable, the Mute Protagonist remains true to themselves.

So we're looking at Frisk, the eighth human to fall into the underground, who's good at flirting and dodging.

There were six others, each with a differently-colored SOUL, to have fallen previously. Little information is known except that they each had some toys they brought with, hinting at e.g. one being a cook and another playing at being a cowboy.

Then there was the first human, Rtwo or whatever they're named at game start, who fell into the underground not too long after the Barrier was erected. Adopted by the royal family, they conspired with Asriel, might have poisoned themselves with flowers to play at being ill, died, got absorbed by Asriel, returned to the surface, and got Asriel killed to kick off the game's plot.

At some point Asriel got turned into Flowey. By Alphys, in her search for a vessel to hold the monster souls until they amassed enough power to break the barrier. Flowey seems to have Asriel's consciousness, but explicitly does not have a soul (until he absorbs other people's to kick off a final battle or two). Exactly how injecting a flower with Determination also puts in the consciousness of a dead monster prince has yet to be explained, along with... well, lots of other things. Perhaps this ending will explain, so, uh, back to it.

Image: That's... a nice name. ...Frisk... I haven't felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was soulless. I lacked the power to love other people. However, with everyone's souls inside me I not only have my own compassion back, but I can feel every other monster's as well. They all care about each other so much. And... they care about you too, Frisk.

Image: I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. Papyrus... Sans... Undyne... Alphys... ...Toriel. Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you, it feels like they all really love you.

Image: Haha. ...Frisk... I... I understand if you can't forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. Friends, family, bystanders... There's no excuse for what I've done.

Look, man. You got suckered into some sort of weird-ass suicide pact by your adopted brother, then resurrected as a soulless flower with some weird ability to control time. That's a bit traumatizing.

Image: Wh... what? Frisk, come on. You're... You're gonna make me cry again. Besides, even if you do forgive me... I can't keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them. But first... There's something I have to do.

Image: Right now, I can feel everyone's hearts beating as one. They're all burning with the same desire. With everyone's power... With everyone's determination... It's time for monsters... To finally go free.

Asriel lifts into the air, or would if there was any difference between ground and sky anymore, and the souls swirl out of him. The music switches to Final Power, which sounds like a cacophony but is actually Hopes and Dreams played backwards.


And the barrier is destroyed.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:29 pm


Image: Without the power of everyone's souls... I can't keep maintaining this form. In a little while... I'll turn back into a flower. I'll stop being "myself". I'll stop being able to feel love again. So... Frisk. It's best if you just forget about me, OK? Just go be with the people who love you.

Sheesh. You just can't get a break, can you?

[i]Ha... ha... I don't want to let go...

Image: Frisk... You're... You're going to do a great job, OK? No matter what you do. Everyone will be there for you, okay? Well... my time is running out. Goodbye.

Asriel takes a few steps, then turns back...

Image: By the way... Frisk. Take care of mom and dad for me, OK?

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:10 pm


This is all just a bad dream!

Please, wake up!

Music: Reunited

Well, they could have pulled It Was All Just A Dream on the ending, where Frisk wakes up in bed, at home, in the human village, none of this having happened. But no, everyone's here, shaking Frisk awake from being unconscious after Asriel put the world back together.


Image: W-we were so worried...! It felt like you were out forever!

Image: Yeah! Any longer and I would have freaked out! Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay!?

Uh, yeah. How much do you guys remember of what just happened, anyway? You guys got entangled by a giant, poorly-Photoshopped plant vine, then had your souls sucked out by the Supreme God of Hyperdeath or whatever. Anyone else remember that?

Image: yeah. you made papyrus cry like a baby.


Image: what did you catch?

Image: TEARS!!!

Image: Now, now. The important thing is that Frisk is all right. Here, Frisk. Why not drink some tea? It'll make you feel better.

Image: Errr... How about we give them space, first? They must be very exhausted. Though, from what, I am not certain. Frisk... We do not remember exactly what happened. There was a flower... And then, everything went white.

You know, that's probably best.

Image: When you are ready, we will all return to the surface. It seems the door to the east will lead us there now. But before then... Perhaps you might want to take a walk? You can say goodbye to all of your wonderful friends. Do as you wish. We will all wait for you here.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:02 pm

At this point, you -- which is to say me, the player, and using the rhetorical "you" in narration of the Let's Play -- can wander back through the entire underground, revisiting each area in turn to talk to everyone. News travels fast when it's dumped straight into your memory by the guy who's rebuilding the world he destroyed, so everyone already knows the Barrier is down and is packing up to leave. But before that, let's talk to all our friends (and Alphys) a few times.

Image: Howdy, Frisk. Sorry about almost trying to take your SOUL. I feel very bad about it. I hope we can still be pals.

Image: Hey, don't worry about it, ASGORE. I think everybody's tried to kill Frisk at least once.

Image: Oh... I see! In that case, I'm not sorry, Frisk.

Image: ASGORE! That's not what I meant!


Image: Psst... F-Frisk. Um, you've gotta tell me. D... do you think Asgore and Toriel are...? Uh, ever gonna get back together?

He totally wants to. She... kind of hates him, though. He did murder six of her adopted children as part of a plot to achieve global warfare.

Image: ...yeah, that's what I thought. A woman can dream, though, right? And write fanfiction. A LOT of fanfiction.

I'm sure ffn and ao3 are positively lit up with exactly that.


Image: So, Alphys... What do you want to do now that we're all free? We have the whole world to explore now.

Image: W-well, of course I'm going to go out and... Um... No, I should be honest!! I'm gonna stay inside and watch anime like a total loser!


Image: Heh. Papyrus has the right idea. Losing to Frisk is the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm so glad that we... Huh? What is it, Asgore?

Image: Um... what's an... anime?

Image: (Oh My God?) (Frisk. Please.) (Help me explain what anime is to Asgore.)

Image: Y-you see, it's like a cartoon, but...

With extraneou's apo'strophe's.

Image: So it's like a cartoon... But with swords? Golly! That sounds neato! Where is this? Where can I see this Anime.

Image: H-hold on, uh... I think I may have some on my phone. Here, l-look at this! ... ...Oh, uh... Um... that' s the... That's the wrong... Uh, nevermind.

Image: Golly. Were those two robots...

Image: ...kissing?

Image: Boy! Technology sure is something, isn't it?

Image: Eheheh... yeah! It sure is!

And showing your taste in anime to your boss has gone exactly as well as you can possibly expect it to for Alphys. Next!



Image: Well, Papyrus, now that the war is over... We might not need the Royal Guard anymore.



Image: frisk, tori was telling me how she made a b'scotch pie for you.

b-apostrophe-scotch. Short for butterscotch. Abbreviates to b''ch.

Image: Oh, I should bake it for everyone sometime!

Image: ...

Image: (O-oh, that sounds REALLY good.)


Image: Wait a second!!! Can I help too!?

Image: Certainly! It would be fun to cook together!

Image: (On second thought, maybe I'll o-order a pizza.)


Image: Hello, Frisk. Alphys upgraded my phone. I am having a lot of fun with the "texting" feature. Sans, "check out" this one.

Image: oh man, tori... that's brutal.


Image: Worry not, Papyrus. We are texting for a good reason.


Image: well. cause we're huge dorks.

Image: Sans, please do not say that. You are not a dork. You are more of a bonehead!


Image: then why are you smiling?



Image: Frisk, do not feel left out. I have been writing messages to you as well! You still have my phone number after all this time, do you not?

We'll get to those.


Image: sorry... i don't have time to talk, frisk. i'm supposed to be working now.


Image: i know, and it's taking all my concentration.



Image: frisk, why don't you fly? it's faster.


Image: Hmmm... Flying sounds a little dangerous.

Image: But they CAN'T fly.

Image: Not with THAT attitude!


Image: Hey, Alphys! Alphys! Do you think we can watch something with fighting next? Oh, and then... Something... With princesses!? Or FIGHTING princesses!?

Image: I-I'll see if I can manage to find any like that, Undyne.

Image: Yayyyyy!


Image: On second though, maybe I WON'T write fanfic of real people. I mean, isn't real life the greatest fanfiction of all? ...Uh, don't tell anyone I said that. Cause I'm gonna post it online! I sure am excited to finally use the human internet. I bet they have all sorts of things Undyne and I can watch!

Image: Oh man!!! We're gonna be able to watch anime online!?

Image: Of course, Undyne! What do you think we've been fighting for all along?

Image: yeah, what do you... whoops.

Image: Jinx! I knew you were gonna make that joke!


Image: Well... I...

Image: doesn't everybody?

Image: Who the hell is Sans?


Image: Who the HECK is Sans?

Image: TORIEL!?!?!


Image: Now that we aren't fighting each other... I can finally ask you... "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Image: ...Would you like a cup of tea?

You know what? I'd love a cup of tea.

Image: Oh! Well! Actually, the cup I had is cold now. So you shouldn't have it. But I am so happy you said yes. As soon as I can, I will make some more for you. Then we can be great pals.


Talking further has everyone tell you to go backtrack through the game and talk to other people. Undyne sends you to say hi to Napstablook, Alphys says to go look for Mettaton. Where did Mettaton go after he dragged his shapely leg back offscreen, before Flowey popped up, anyway?

So next time we'll go stomp around the Underground and say goodbye to everyone.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby Blossom » Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:03 pm

nosimpleway wrote:At some point Asriel got turned into Flowey. By Alphys, in her search for a vessel to hold the monster souls until they amassed enough power to break the barrier. Flowey seems to have Asriel's consciousness, but explicitly does not have a soul (until he absorbs other people's to kick off a final battle or two). Exactly how injecting a flower with Determination also puts in the consciousness of a dead monster prince has yet to be explained, along with... well, lots of other things. Perhaps this ending will explain, so, uh, back to it.

The ending does not explain, because it's already been explained.

nosimpleway wrote:Red shelf: (It's a school report about monster funerals.) Monster funerals, technically speaking, are cool as heck. When monsters get old and kick the bucket, they turn into dust. AT funerals, we take that dust and spread it on that person's favorite thing. Then their essence will live on in that thing... Uhhh, am I at the page minimum yet? I'm kinda sick of writing this.

nosimpleway wrote:Image: Wounded, ASRIEL stumbled home.

Image: He entered the castle and collapsed.

Image: His dust spread across the garden.

And now you know ... the rest of the story.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:50 pm

As you explore, you can call Toriel's phone anytime to check the text messages she sends. She sends one per screen you pass through, but there's not one for every screen in the game.

If you call Papyrus's phone, he doesn't answer.

Toriel's texts are thus:

Dear Frisk,
Sans and Alphys are teaching me how to text! They showed me something called "emoticons".
Now turn your head to the left. See? It's me, smiling at you! L-O-L (That stands for Lots of Laughter!)
That's all for now. Sincerely, Toriel

Dear Frisk,
How are you? You have been wandering around for quite some time now. I hope you are not getting into trouble. Only kidding. L-O-L! Sincerly, Toriel
PS - Do not get into trouble.

Excuse me, I did not mean to write "sincerly". I meant to say "sincerely". It is difficult to use this with large hands. Perhaps I should ask Sans to transcribe for me.

Sans will be typing from now on.

hey frisk. it's torrrrrieellll
i just baked 1000000 pies. do you want any? make sure to brush your teeth before crossing the street, frisk.

I did not say any of that.

Greetings. This is Sans. I love my brother very much.
help im being slandered

This is Sans. Frisk, did you know that I love to "get owned"? I also think Toriel is very good and fhfjkehfeaufsisf Excuse me

(Toriel sent you a message titled "Cat Video".)
(Inside, she meticulously describes a video she saw of a small, white animal.)
(There is no link or attachment to watch it.)

Fwd: send this 2 some1 u care about... or a skeleton will rattle his bones at u!

Dear Frisk, Thought you might enjoy this. ]:)
(It's ASCII art of a snail.)

Dear Frisk,
Undyne and Papyrus want to cook something together with me. Sans is telling me they are excellent chefs. I am excited. ]:) Maybe if you are lucky, you can have some!

Dear Frisk,
If Sans and I started a band, do you know what we could call it? "Dreemurr and Femur" L-O-L!
PS - That is only a joke. Do not refer to me as Dreemurr.

Dear Frisk,
Undyne is very strong. Papyrus made a bet with her that she could not lift everyone here up. She could. The only trouble is she did not know how to put everyone down.

Dear Frisk,
Alphys is telling me many interesting facts about the human world. Quite a few of them are wrong, though. Frisk, you did not tell her anything funny, did you? ]:)

Dear Frisk,
I heard that using a computer for too long is bad for you. However, I have not seen you use the computer at all. You must be very healthy! How nice.

Dear Frisk,
I think I may have to turn off the phone for now. Your friends are all very lovely people! I think I will spend this time getting to know them better. Be good, alright? Sincerely, Toriel.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:40 pm

Of course, with what we've learned it's no longer a surprise why the coffin marked "Rtwo" is empty. Passing through the first time you think it's because Rtwo hasn't died yet, and is looking at their own coffin. But now we know that Rtwo's been dead a long time, and his body was never there in the first place.

Actually... Asriel took Rtwo's body to the surface, and then brought it back before he died in the castle garden, right? Where is Rtwo's corpse? Or bones, by now, I guess. Scattered remains.

Anyway, looking into the coffin, a note is made that there are scraps of mummylike wrappings inside.

Black Sausage: Well... everyone has an angle they look best from.

Other black sausages hanging around point out that they quit mercenary work because Mettaton never paid them. One is taking a nap.


The various patrons of the MTT Resort hotel are packing up to leave, the hotel itself and the accompanying restaurant no longer accepting reservations. The nearby janitor is working double-speed to finish up his work, still not realizing he's dripping as much onto the floor as he is mopping up off of it. In the lounge, there are mixed feelings from the puzzle maintenance workers about their loss of work now that everyone's leaving.

Hey, speaking of people stuck in obsolete jobs...

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:50 pm

Image: So we're free, huh? Mettaton told us as much.

Image: Then he said "Don't think that means you're getting out of work early."

Image: Ah... my boss. I love that guy.

Image: And by that I mean I hate him so, so much.

Well, silver linings, right? Now you have all the free time in the world to go hang out with Bratty and Catty.

Image: So we're free now.

Image: Does that mean my double-date is cancelled...? ... I know, it wasn't really a... a date.

Image: Here's a trick, little buddy: Lie to yourself all the time. It makes you feel better.

Oh? How's that working out for you?

Image: Don't tell anyone this, Little Buddy.

Image: (Because they'll make fun of me,)

Image: But I... I feel like I played a hand in everyone getting free somehow.

Image: Even if it was just working this awful job...

Image: I think I did something!

Image: I don't know if it's true, but I'll believe it anyway!

Wow. That's some really good lying you're doing. What's next for ol' Burgerpants, anyway?

Image: Little buddy! There's a brand new world out there waiting for us.

Image: I'm sure with my (ahem) qualifications, it won't be long before I'm a famous movie star...

Image: Or, maybe I'll just end up flipping burgers again.

Image: But it's as I say! Nowhere to go but up! Literally, in this case!

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:09 pm

And while we're in the area, let's swing by and see how the girls are taking the news.

Image: So, we're like, totally free now, huh?

Image: Yeah, like, totally free.

Image: Like... Cool.

Image: Yeah, like, cool.

Image: Like, milennia of being imprisoned finally over?

Image: Yeah, that's like pretty chill I guess.

They're surprisingly mellow about it.

So, uh, girls. A lot of people I talked to lately haven't seemed to realize this, but uh... I feel like you should know. I'm a human.

Image: Oh, oops, really? Uh, well, when we said, um... We were hyped for the destruction of humanity... We were just, like, joking, you know?

Image: Did we say that?

Image: Probably?

Image: It's, like, practically our catchphrase.

Image: Really? I thought our catchphrase was...

Image: B-B-Bratty's the best, C-C-Catty's the coolest!

Image: Um, no? We've like literally NEVER said that.

Image: CAN it be though!? CAN it be!?

...right. Glad we got that cleared up. So if you're moving to the surface, are you going to keep on scavenging and reselling garbage? What's next for you two?

Image: Hmmm... Now that we're gonna be free...

Image: OMG, we can finally fulfill our DREAM of having a pet cat!

Image: That's, like, YOUR dream, Catty.

Image: But Bratty...

Image: I don't wanna have a dream without you in it...!

Image: Aww... Catty...

Image: And, in my dream, YOU clean up after the cat!

This leads to many uncomfortably personal questions about you personally so let's, uh... yeah? How about those cats? Awfully fluffy, aren't they?

Image: Me? Yeah, I LOVE cats!

Image: Me? Yeah, I LOVE cats!

Image: They're, like, SO tasty!!

Image: They're, like, SO cute!!!

Image Image

Image: Bratty NOOOO!!!

Image: I'm just kidding!

Image: Kind of.

Image: Anyway, when was the last time you even SAW a cat around here?

Image: Oh!! JUST the other day! There was this cute little white cat walking around...

Image: It was, like, SOOOOOO clueless looking.

Image: I pet it for like an hour!!

Image: ..... ..... ...Catty.

Image: Yeah, Bratty?

Image: I think that was, like... A dog.


You two are a treasure, as always. See you topside, girls.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:18 pm

And... what's this?

It's a secret! One that I'll have to catch on another playthrough since I apparently missed it this time.

Anyway, quick summary:
The Nice Cream Man thinks he'll be a modest success on the surface. Royal Guards 01 and 02 are still standing nearby, adjusting to the idea of the royal guard being disbanded.
Yamato Gutsman or whatever wants to know if I want a rematch.

Muffet has finished tallying donations, and not only does she have enough to get the spiders out of the RUINs and through Snowdin, there's enough to also buy every spider four pairs of stylin' high-heeled shoes.
The guy with really long arms who was standing near Muffet's bake sale stall has resolved to... never buy any more donuts from spiders.

A Tsunderplane thinks I'm following her to the surface, because of course it does. A different Tsunderplane, the one pictured near the secret path above, explains that she never loved Frisk, but loved the idea of being in love. That probably a healthy thing to realize about yourself! Good for her! She then calls Frisk an idiot anyway.

The businesspeople and school students who were loitering around the puzzles I had to solve are excited about all the new loitering opportunities on the surface.

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Re: Reading this Undertale LP fills you with determination.

Postby nosimpleway » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:38 pm

The Tem Shop is still open, and will even purchase all the Last Dreams I got for free fighting Asriel.

But it's not like I need money anymore, so I go ahead and return Tem's money to send her to cool leg.

The other Tems are super-psyched to go to the surface and see LOTS OF CUTES HUNAN!!!

Gerson has finally remembered that story he promised, so long ago.

Image: OK, OK! I remember it clearly now. It was the monthly address at the castle, and the queen was giving her part on current events. After finishing her update, she moved to pass the microphone to the king. However, she didn't realize the microphone was still in her hand when she said: "Your turn, Fluffybuns." The audience burst into laughter. Realizing what she had said, she started laughing too. After a few moments, the king held up his arms. The crowd grew silent. He leaned towards the microphone expression... Stern. "Dear citizens." "Thank you for coming here today." "I... King Fluffybuns..." And the rest is history.

You can also ask how legitimately goatlike the Dreemurr family is.

Image: Eh? Goat? Actually, that reminds me. Toriel once wore a flower-patterned muu-muu... Folks kept saying “nice muu-muu” to her, but she kept thinking they were calling her a cow. So she never wore it again. What was the question again? Oh. Right. ASGORE. He’s a real interesting type of monster. The strongest type of all. We call ‘em Boss Monsters. When they have an offspring, the SOUL power of the parents flows into the child... Causing the child to grow as the parents age. But ASGORE doesn’t have a child. So he’s been stuck at the same age... And probably will be forever. Huh? What if the child is a human...? What? Nah. That wouldn’t work. So if ASGORE’s your father, he’ll definitely outlive you.

That's... probably important to some story element but I don't quite understand it yet. So, about Asgore and Toriel...

Image: Oh yeah! Of course. Toriel was queen, and Asgore was the king. It was tragic when she left. Since everyone knew she was really the brains behind the throne... But it was also just a teensy, teensy bit relieving, you know? Those two were really insufferable together... Nuzzling noses, bein' all cute n' cuddly in public... Embarrassing their children... They were so sweet it made me SICK. Thank god those days are over!

Seems everyone's cool with it but Asgore, heh heh. You can also ask about Undyne!

Image: Undyne. She's really come a long way since she was a little urchin. I used to be a hero myself, back in the old days. Gerson, the Hammer of Justice. When she was younger, Undyne would follow me around, to watch me beat up bad guys... Sometimes she'd even try to help! Though, most of the time the folks she attacked weren't bad guys. It'd be the mailman or something like that. Anyhoo, I appreciated it! Wah ha ha ha!!!

Now, uh, when you say Undyne started as an "urchin"... do you mean she was homeless as a child, or was her body in the shape of a spiny aquatic echinoderm before she grew into the lanky fish we all know today? You never know with these people.

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